Hey, Taxi!

* Early Access. Expect bugs.

A Discord bot providing IP-based LFG tracking for Melty Blood Community Edition.


1. Invite the bot to your server and ensure it can see the channels you wish to use for LFG.2. Make sure whoever is setting up your bot has a role or user permission for "Manage Channels".3. Choose a Discord channel for tracking across all LFG channels. Copy the channel's ID, and type "!register <channel ID>". Taxi will send a message to this channel, which will be updated whenever IPs are being tracked.4. Choose Discord channels to track for IPs. Copy the channel's ID and type "!track <channel ID>". Works for multiple channels!5. If you wish to start over type in !reset to clear the bot's settings for your server.


1. Host a netplay session in CCCaster and paste the IP:Port combination in any channel being tracked.2. Or join any "waiting" IP:Port in the server's tracker!

Help and feedback

DM shiburizu#7634 on Discord for any inquiries or issues encountered.

Melty Blood is a property of French Bread. Taxi does not provide you with a copy of Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code.